

The Little Kneaders Consultancy is a 1:1 professional service to support families and schools that can be provided either online via Zoom or in person. All consultations are delivered by Amy, who specialises in neurodiversity and neurodivergent sensory play. Amy also has a wealth of knowledge and access to support services through her organisation of the Autism & Disability Resource Fairs throughout Ireland.

We offer the following services;


Navigating a Diagnosis – Have you just received a diagnosis for your child? We can help support you on this new parenting path by understanding your child’s diagnosis and helping you meet their sensory needs through play whilst you are waiting for appointments. We can direct you towards local services across the country who can also support your child and your family.

Initial one hour consultation costs €75

Follow up consultations are 45 minutes and cost €60


Family Sensory Needs Support – Helping you meet and understand your child’s sensory needs at home and creating a sensory rich environment that will nurture and fulfil their sensory needs following a day at school or over the weekends.

Initial one hour consultation costs €75

Follow up consultations are 45 minutes and cost €60


School Refusal & School Anxiety Support – Helping you to identify the root cause of the school refusal or school anxiety, working out a plan to achieve a return to school or the ability to attend school without anxiety by meeting your child’s sensory needs. We can also work with the school to help you achieve this.

Initial one hour consultation costs €75

Follow up consultations are 45 minutes and cost €60


Starting a sensory play business for neurodivergent children? Little Kneaders specialise in supporting and training individuals to start up sensory play businesses for neurodivergent children. We also support and train those who want to introduce neurodivergent classes to their business.

Initial one and a half hour consultation costs €155

Follow up consultations are 45 minutes and cost €60


SEN / Teacher/ SNA Support in the classroom – Helping you understand your neurodivergent students and helping you meet their sensory needs in the classroom through play. We can support those working in Special Schools / SEN Classrooms or those in mainstream schools with a neurodivergent child/children in their class.

Initial one hour consultation costs €75

Follow up consultations are 45 minutes and cost €60